Dr. Eduardo Zancolli,
Cervino 4679, 5,
Buenos Aires. 1425.
Society website: www.aacmyrms.org
Dr. Rohit Arora,
University Clinic Innsbruck,
Department for Trauma Surgery, Hand & Elbow Surgery Orthopaedic Hospital.
Society website: www.handchirurgen.at
Dr. Abu Saleh M. Monirul Alam,
Flat 10/A, 1, Ring Road,
Shyamoli, Dhaka, 1207, Bangladesh.
Society website: www.bdssh.org
Society website: belgianhandgroup.be/board/
Dr. Juan Carlos Suárez López,
Calle Republiquetas Nº230
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Society website: www.cirurgiadamao.org.br
Dr. David Tang,
4714 – 1796 Summer Street,
Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3H 3A7.
Society website: www.cssh-sccm.com
Society website: schot@schot.cl
Society website: www.asocimano.org
Society website: www.handsurgery.cz
Dr. Fidel Cayón ,
Av. Mariana de Jesus OE7-02 y Nuño de Valderrama,
Edificio Citimed, Of 511, Centro de Especialidades Ortopédicas CEO,
Quito, Ecuador.
Society website: www.ecumano.org
Dr. Nash Naam,
901 Medical Park Drive, Suite 100,
Effingham, IL 62401.
Society website: www.fssh.fi
Society website: www.sfcm.fr
Dr. Jörg van Schoonhoven
Bad Neustadt/Saale,
Society website: www.dg-h.de
Society website: www.microhand.gr
Society website: www.agcm.gt
Dr. Koo Siu Cheong Jeffrey Justin Tai Po,
New Territories,
Hong Kong SAR.
Society website: www.hkssh.org
Dr. Theddeus O.H. Prasetyono
ICTEC, Cipto Mangunkusumumo Hospital/ Universitas Indonesia
Gedung CMU 2, the 2nd floor
Jl. Diponegoro 71
Jakarta, Indonesia
Society website: www.issh.ir
Dr. Shai Luria
Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery,
Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center,
Kiryat Hadassah, POB 12000,
Jerusalem 91120, Israel
Society website: www.issh.org.il
Society website: www.sicm.it
Dr. Goo Hyun Baek,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, 28
Yongon-dong, Chongno-gu,
Seoul 110-744. Korea.
Dr. Husam Bashee,r
P. O. Box 12057,
Shamiya 71651.
Society website: www.lash.org.lv
Dr. J. Emmanuel Ruiz Aguilar
Carreterta Nacional 6501 Suite 601
La Estanzuela Monterrey
Mexico 64988
Society website: www.amcirugiadelamano.org
Dr Gerardo Zárate Ramirez
Society website: http://smcmym.org
Allen Cockfield
New Zealand
Dr. Rasmus Thorkildsen
Society website: www.handkirurgi.no
Dr. Nats Orillaza
Blanca Castillo
Lima, Peru
Society website: www.apcmm.org
Dr. Ireneusz Walaszek
Society website: www.ptchr.pl
Society website: spocma.pt
Dr. Amarilis Silva,
PO Box 697, Humacao, PR 00792.
Dr. Alexandru Georgescu,
Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare, Viilor Str., No. 46-50,
Ciuj-Napoca, 3400, Romania.
Dr. Igor Golubev
Society website: www.sshs.sg
Dr. Teodor Kluka
tkluka@fnlp.sk /klukova.anna@zoznam.sk
Society website: www.sassh.co.za
Society website: www.secma.es
Society website: www.handkirurgi.se
Dr. Esther Vögelin,
Hand Surgery and Surgery of Peripheral Nerves,
Inselspital, University of Bern, Freiburgstrasse, CH-3010 Bern,
Society website: www.swisshandsurgery.ch
Society website: www.thaissh.org/home.php
Society website: www.turkelcerrahisidernegi.com
Society website: www.handsurgery.org
Society website: www.assh.org
Dr. Igor R. Indriago González,
Centro Salud Caracas. San Bernardino. Caracas, 1010.